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"Tear away the mask from Freemasonry, Pope Leo XIII
 Professor of Philosophy and Church History,
 Senior Scholasticate,
 Blackrock College, Dublin
 The   Britons   Publishing   Company   is  to  be
 congratulated  on  reprinting  this  lecture   on
 Freemasonry  by  Right  Rev.  Mgr. George Dillon,
 D.D. The lecture was delivered  at  Edinburgh  in
 October,  1884,  that  is, about six months after
 the  appearance  of  Pope   Leo   XIII’s   famous
 Encyclical Letter, Humanum Genus, on Freemasonry.
 At the request of many who had heard the  lecture
 and  of  others  who  had  read  the reports that
 appeared in the papers, Mgr.  Dillon  decided  to
 publish  it, along with another lecture delivered
 to the same audience on  the  Spoliation  of  the
 Congregation  of Propaganda. The book was brought
 out by the excellent firm of M. H. Gill and  Son,
 Ltd.,  O’Connell  Street, Dublin, in 1885, but it
 has been long  out  of  print.  In  the  original
 preface,  the author pointed out that the lecture
 had  not  been  intended  to  be  a  formal   and
 exhaustive  treatment of the subject, and that he
 had embodied in the book several documents  which
 were only briefly referred to or partially quoted
 in the lecture.1 His object was to give  a  clear
 outline   of   the  “whole  question  of  secret,
 atheistic organisation, its origin,  its  nature,
 its  history in the last century and in this, and
 its unity  of  Satanic  purpose  in  a  wonderful
 diversity   of  forms.”  He  found  that  it  was
 necessary to do this because “very few,  if  any,
 attempts  have been made in our language to treat
 the subject as a whole. Several writers appear to
 assume  as known that which was really unknown to
 very many: and few touched at all upon  the  fact
 of   the   supreme   direction   given   to   the
 universality of secret societies from a  guiding,
 governing  and – even to the rank and file of the
 members of  the  secret  societies  themselves  –
 unknown and invisible junta.”
 Mgr.  Dillon does not speak explicitly of the two
 currents of thought and  action  proceeding  from
 the   Masonic   French  Revolution,  namely,  the
 current of Rousseauist-Lockian-Masonic Liberalism
 and  the  current  of  Socialism  and Communism.1
 Implicitly, however, he does so when, on the  one
 hand,  he foreshadows the United States of Europe
 and World Federalism and, on  the  other,  quotes
 the  infamous Declaration of the International in
 1868.  This  Declaration,   formulated   at   the
 International Congress held at Geneva in 1868 and
 quoted by Mgr. Dillon in  his  preface,  is  well
 worth  reproducing,  at least in part. It runs as
 follows:  “The  object   of   the   International
 Association   of   Workmen,  as  of  every  other
 Socialist Association, is to  do  away  with  the
 parasite and the pariah. Now what parasite can be
 compared to the priest...?
 “God and Christ, these citizen-Providences,  have
 been  at  all times the armour of Capital and the
 most sanguinary enemies of the  working  classes.
 It  is  owing to God and to Christ that we remain
 to this day in slavery. It is by deluding us with
 lying  hopes  that  the priests have caused us to
 accept all the sufferings of this  earth.  It  is
 only  after sweeping away all religion, and after
 tearing up even to the last roots every religious
 idea  that  we  can  arrive  at our political and
 social ideal… “Down,  then,  with  God  and  with
 Christ!  Down  with  the  despots  of  heaven and
 earth! Death to the priests! Such is the motto of
 our grand crusade.”
 In  a  note  on  page 20 of the original edition,
 Mgr. Dillon  returned  to  the  question  of  the
 direction  of Freemasonry, which he had mentioned
 in  his  preface.  He  there  says:  “The  Jewish
 connection   with   modern   Freemasonry   is  an
 established fact  everywhere  manifested  in  its
 history.   The   Jewish   formulas   employed  by
 Freemasonry,  the  Jewish  traditions  which  run
 through its ceremonial, point to a Jewish origin,
 or to the work of Jewish contrivers... Who  knows
 but  behind  the Atheism and desire of gain which
 impels them to urge on  Christians  to  persecute
 the  Church  and  destroy it, there lies a hidden
 hope to reconstruct  their  Temple,  and  in  the
 darkest  depths  of secret society plotting there
 lurks a deeper society still  which  looks  to  a
 return to the land of Judah and to the rebuilding
 of the Temple of Jerusalem?”  These  remarks  can
 furnish   the   starting   point   for  a  deeper
 examination  of  the  whole  question  of  secret
 societies  and their action, studied in the light
 of the Encyclicals of the Sovereign Pontiffs, and
 of history.
 The  rejection  of  order  by Satan and the other
 fallen  angels  was   irrevocable.   It   was   a
 declaration,  by the whole body of them together,
 of perpetual war on and implacable hatred towards
 the  Blessed Trinity and the Supernatural Life of
 Grace. The  fall  of  the  human  race  could  be
 undone,  because  human  beings  can change their
 minds and the human  race  comes  into  existence
 successively  by propagation from the first Adam.
 In  the  undoing  of  the  Fall,   however,   God
 permitted  a  second rejection of order. In spite
 of the fact that they had been repeatedly warned,
 in types and figures, and orally by the prophets,
 about the way they would treat the  true  Messiah
 when He came, the Jews turned against Him and the
 whole Divine Plan He proposed. When they  refused
 to  enter  into  His  designs,  God permitted the
 crime of Deicide,  and  by  the  supreme  act  of
 humble  submission  on  Calvary, the Supernatural
 Life  of  Grace  was  restored  to   the   world.
 Fulfilling the prophecies to the letter, Our Lord
 allowed Himself to be put to death, but  He  died
 proclaiming the Divine Plan for order.
 God  wished  the  Jews  as a people to accept His
 Only-Begotten Son and to be the  Heralds  of  the
 Supernatural, super-national Life of His Mystical
 Body.  They  were  thus  offered   the   glorious
 privilege of proclaiming and working for the only
 mode of realising the union  and  brotherhood  of
 nations  which  is  possible  since  the Fall. On
 account of their racial  pride  they  refused  to
 accept  that  there could be any higher life than
 their national life and they would  not  hear  of
 the  non-Jewish nations entering into the Kingdom
 of  the  Mystical  Body  on  the  same  level  as
 themselves.   The  Crucifixion  of  Our  Lord  on
 Calvary  was,  however,  not  only   the   public
 rejection  by  the  Jewish  nation  of the Divine
 Programme for order in the world, but was at  the
 same  time the proclamation by that nation of its
 determination to work against God for the triumph
 of  another Messiah. Since Our Lord Jesus Christ,
 the  True  Messiah,  is   the   Source   of   the
 Supernatural   Life  through  membership  of  His
 Mystical  Body,  the  future  Messiah   must   be
 anti-supernatural or naturalistic, and membership
 of  Christ  will  have  to   be   eliminated   in
 preparation  for him. Since the True Supernatural
 Messiah came to found the  supranational  kingdom
 of  His  Mystical  Body  into  which he asked the
 Jewish nation to lead  all  nations,  the  future
 Messiah  must be a purely Jewish National Messiah
 and his mission can have no other object than  to
 impose the rule of the Jewish nation on the other
 nations.  The  choice  presented  to  the  Jewish
 nation by the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ may
 be represented diagrammatically as follows:–
 + Supernatural and supranational Kingdom  of  the
 Mystical   Body  of  Christ.  The  Jewish  nation
 instructed by the prophets.
 ¦ ¦ ¦
 + Naturalistic ambition to impose Rule  of  their
 The  Jewish nation instructed by the Prophets and
 Figures of the Old Testament, and, lastly, by St.
 John  the  Baptist, was meant to turn upwards, at
 the bidding of God become Man, and to put all its
 splendid  natural qualities at the service of the
 True Supernatural order of the world. Instead  of
 doing so, it turned downwards to the slavery of a
 self-centred ambition dictated by national pride.
 The  attitude  of Saul prior to his conversion on
 the road to Damascus is typical  of  the  corrupt
 ideas concerning the mission of the Messiah which
 had taken hold of Jewish minds and had  led  them
 to reject Our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Paul saw the
 truth about the Mystical Body of Christ after his
 conversion and tried to get his fellow-countrymen
 to recognise their error, but the nation as  such
 refused  to  listen. In his Christmas Allocution,
 1948, Pope Pius  XII  brought  out  the  contrast
 between  the  alternatives  that faced the Jewish
 nation at the coming  of  Our  Lord  as  follows:
 “Hear,  resounding in the night like the bells of
 Christmas, the admirable words of the Apostle  to
 the Gentiles, who had been himself a slave to the
 mean, narrow prejudices of nationalist and racial
 pride,  stricken  down along with him on the road
 to Damascus: ‘He (Christ Jesus) is our peace  who
 hath  made  both  (peoples)  one...  killing  the
 enmities in Himself. And coming He preached peace
 to you that were afar off, and peace to them that
 were nigh.’ (Ephesians II,  14,  15,  16,  17.)”2
 With  that  narrow,  national outlook dictated by
 racial  pride,  which  Pope  Pius  XII  said  was
 stricken  down  with  St.  Paul  on  the  road to
 Damascus, the Jewish nation has continued on down
 the  centuries. That outlook has, in fact, become
 more accentuated with time. Accordingly, over and
 above  the  fundamental disorder of original sin,
 there is in our  fallen  and  redeemed  world  an
 additional  source  of disorder in the determined
 opposition of His own  nation  according  to  the
 flesh of the Redeemer and source of order.
 Over   and   above   the   struggle  against  the
 self-centred tendencies of individual souls,  the
 Catholic Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, has
 to face the persistent opposition of  the  Jewish
 nation.  According  to  the leaders of the Jewish
 nation, now as 1,900 years ago, the union of  the
 nations is not meant by God to take place through
 entrance into and acceptance of the supranational
 Kingdom  of  Our Lord’s Mystical Body but through
 acceptance of and submission to the  Naturalistic
 Messianism  of  the  Jewish  nation. This is made
 very clear in the letter from the Chief Rabbi  of
 Palestine,    which   appeared   in   The   Irish
 Independent  (Dublin)   of   January   6,   1948.
 Referring  to  the establishment of the new State
 of Israel, Rabbi  Hertzog  said:  “Eventually  it
 will  lead  to the inauguration of the true union
 of the nations through which  will  be  fulfilled
 the  eternal  message  to mankind of our immortal
 Jewish Naturalism or Anti-Supernaturalism, by its
 striving  for  a  new  Messianic  age, contains a
 twofold source of corruption and decay for  other
 nations.  On  the  one hand, by its opposition to
 the Supernatural Life coming from  Our  Lord,  it
 strives  directly  against the Light and Strength
 by  which  alone  human  life,   individual   and
 national,  can  be  lived  in order. On the other
 hand, whether the naturalistic Messiah to come be
 an  individual  Jew  or the Jewish Race, it means
 that the Jews, as a nation, are seeking to impose
 their  particular national form on other nations.
 The imposition by any nation of its national form
 on another nation attacks directly the natural or
 normal line of development  of  that  nation  and
 undermines  its  natural  virtues,  which are the
 foundation and the bulwark  of  the  Supernatural
 virtues.  Thus in two ways the Jews, as a nation,
 are  objectively  aiming  at  giving  society   a
 direction  which is in complete opposition to the
 order proclaimed by God become Man. In  spite  of
 the  unwavering  naturalistic  opposition  of the
 Jewish nation and notwithstanding the weakness of
 fallen  human  nature, Western Europe in the 13th
 century, had accepted the Programme of Christ the
 King   and   had   organised   society   on  that
 foundation. The organisation was imperfect as all
 the  social  structures  of  fallen  and redeemed
 humanity will inevitably  be,  but  it  was  some
 response  to  God’s  loving  condescension. Since
 then, there has been steady decay.
 The uprise of Protestantism in the  16th  century
 rent  the  unity  of the Mystical Body of Christ.
 Chapter XVI of William  Thomas  Walsh’s  splendid
 work,  Philip  II, is entitled Freemasonry in the
 16th Century and shows that there was already  at
 that   time  some  sort  of  secret  organisation
 engaged in working for naturalism against ordered
 submission  to  Christ the King. He adds that “it
 is no longer debatable that, if the false leaders
 of   the   Jews  did  not  originate  the  secret
 societies  to  cover  their  own   anti-Christian
 activities  and to influence credulous members of
 the Christian communities, they had a great  deal
 to  do  with the business. The degrees and ritual
 of  Freemasonry  are  shot  through  with  Jewish
 symbolism:  the  candidate  is going to the East,
 towards Jerusalem, he is  going  to  rebuild  the
 Temple  (destroyed  in fulfilment of the prophecy
 of Christ),... The Grand Orient and Scottish Rite
 lodges,  sources  of  so many modern revolutions,
 are more militant, more open and apparently  more
 virulent  than  some  of the others whom they are
 leading  into  a  single  world-organisation   by
 gradual  steps.”4  From what we know today we can
 conclude that “something very  much  like  modern
 Freemasonry,  surely  in spirit and probably to a
 great extent in form... existed in  the  lifetime
 of Philip II (1527-1598).”5 What we see, then, in
 the years following 1717 is rather the  emergence
 into  fuller  light  of  a secret organised Force
 aiming at enrolling and forming groups of  adepts
 to  work  for Naturalism, that is, for the denial
 of the Supernatural Life and the  elimination  of
 membership  of  Christ  from  society. The Jewish
 nation is  a  non-secret  organised  naturalistic
 Force, that is to say its naturalistic opposition
 to  the  Mystical  Body  of  Christ   is   openly
 proclaimed.     Freemasonry,     the    organised
 naturalistic Force acting in subordination to and
 in conjunction with the Jewish nation is a secret
 society or group of societies, for its naturalism
 or     anti-Supernaturalism    is    secret    or
 camouflaged.6 Relatively few of its  members  are
 fully  aware  of  the  naturalism of its end, its
 ritual and its symbolism. According to Anderson’s
 Constitution   of  the  Freemasons,  the  masonic
 society obliges its members to be  good  men  and
 true,  but  insists  that  in order to be morally
 good men, it is a matter of indifference  whether
 God’s   Plan   for   the   restoration   of   our
 Supernatural Life through Our Lord  Jesus  Christ
 is accepted or not. Now, by original sin, we lost
 the Supernatural Life of Grace, and we need  that
 Life  of  Grace that we may live an ordered life.
 Yet this society proclaims that a man can be good
 and  true,  that  is,  morally  in  order,  while
 remaining  utterly  indifferent  to  the   unique
 Source  of  Grace,  Our Lord Jesus Christ and His
 Divinity. That is equivalent to a denial  of  the
 Fall and is pure Naturalism.
 In his great Encyclical Letter, Humanum Genus, on
 Freemasonry,  issued  in  1884,  Pope  Leo   XIII
 insists  that “the naturalist and the Masons, not
 accepting by faith those truths  that  have  been
 made  known  to us by God’s revelation, deny that
 the first Adam fell.” Thus we see the fundamental
 error  of  Masonry, namely, its Naturalism. Again
 the great Pontiff points out that  “the  ultimate
 aim  of  Freemasonry  is to uproot completely the
 whole religious and political order of the  world
 which   has   been   brought  into  existence  by
 Christianity and to  replace  it  by  another  in
 harmony  with  their  way  of thinking. This will
 mean that the foundation  and  laws  of  the  new
 structure  of  society  will  be  drawn from pure
 Naturalism.”7 That involves the elimination  from
 society    of   every   acknowledgment   of   the
 Supernatural Life of members of  Christ.  In  the
 Encyclical  Letter, moreover, Pope Leo XIII shows
 the opposition of Freemasonry to five out of  the
 six principal points of the Programme for Society
 of Christ the  King.8  In  regard  to  the  fifth
 point,  namely,  the  diffusion of ownership, the
 Pope insists upon the fact that  “Freemasonry  is
 not  only  not opposed to the plans of Socialists
 and Communists, but  looks  upon  them  with  the
 greatest  favour,  as  its leading principles are
 identical with theirs.” That the preparation  and
 the  triumph  of  the  French Revolution were the
 work of Freemasonry does not  need  proof,  since
 the  Masons themselves boast of it.9 Accordingly,
 the Declaration of the Rights of Man is a Masonic
 production.   “When   the  Bastille  fell”,  said
 Bonnet, the orator at the Grand  Orient  Assembly
 in  1904,  “Freemasonry had the supreme honour of
 giving  to  humanity  the  chart  which  it   had
 lovingly  elaborated.  It  was our Brother, de la
 Fayette, who first presented the  ‘project  of  a
 declaration  of the natural rights of the man and
 the citizen living in society,’ to be  the  first
 chapter  of the Constitution. On August 25, 1789,
 the Constituent Assembly, of which more than  300
 members  were  Masons, definitely adopted, almost
 word for word, in the form determined upon in the
 Lodges,  the  text of the immortal Declaration of
 the Rights  of  Man.”  Given  the  naturalism  of
 Freemasonry,  the  Declaration, then, is simply a
 formal renunciation of allegiance to  Christ  the
 King,  of Supernatural Life, and of membership of
 His  Mystical  Body.  The  French  State  thereby
 officially    declared    that   it   no   longer
 acknowledged any duty to  God  through  Our  Lord
 Jesus Christ and no longer recognised the dignity
 of membership of Christ in its citizens. It  thus
 inaugurated  the  attack  on  the organisation of
 society under Christ the King which has continued
 down to the present day.
 That  was  only the first step. “The subservience
 of Freemasonry with regard to the  Jews”,  writes
 l’abbé   Joseph   Lémann,  “soon  showed  itself.
 How?... When the question of Jewish  emancipation
 came  to  be examined by the Constituent Assembly
 (1789-1791),   the   deputies   who   took   upon
 themselves  the task of getting it voted were all
 Freemasons. Mirabeau gave it the persevering help
 of his eloquence, and Mirabeau was a Freemason of
 the higher degrees, intimate with  Weishaupt  and
 his  associates,  and  closely linked up with the
 Jews of Berlin. When, after having hesitated  for
 two years, the Constituent Assembly in its second
 last meeting, was  still  hesitating,  it  was  a
 Freemason  and  Jacobin,  A. Duport, who demanded
 the vote  with  threats...  Such  was  the  first
 secret    service    rendered   to   Judaism   by
 Freemasonry.   After   that   one   others   will
 follow.”10  By  the  Revolution of 1789 then, the
 French State not only decreed  the  ostracism  of
 the  True  Supernatural Messiah and His Programme
 but admitted to full citizenship the  members  of
 the  Jewish  nation,  thus  allowing them to work
 freely for the  anti-Supernatural  domination  of
 their  nation. Modern history since 1789 is, to a
 large extent, the account of  the  domination  of
 State   after   State  by  the  anti-Supernatural
 supranationalism of Freemasonry, behind which has
 been  steadily  emerging  the still more strongly
 organised anti-Supernatural  supranationalism  of
 the    Jewish    nation.    That   is   why   the
 post-Revolutionary  epoch   has   witnessed,   in
 country  after  country,  persistent attacks upon
 the Programme of Christ the King.
 After every successful Masonic Revolution,  since
 the  first  in  1789,  down  to and including the
 Spanish Revolution in 1931, the world soon  began
 to  hear  of the country’s entering upon the path
 of   “progress”   by    the    introduction    of
 “enlightened”  reforms, such as the separation of
 Church and State (or the putting of all religions
 on  the same level), the legalisation of divorce,
 the   secularisation   of   the   schools,    the
 suppression  and  banishment  of religious orders
 and   congregations,   the    glorification    of
 Freemasonry,  the nationalisation of property and
 the  unrestrained  licence  of  the  Press.   The
 process  of  elimination  of the union of nations
 through the Mystical  Body  of  Christ,  and  the
 substitution   therefore   of   the  naturalistic
 domination of the Jewish nation seems to  be  now
 on the verge of triumph.
 Back  in 1922, the Assembly of the Grand Lodge of
 France insisted  that  amongst  the  tasks  lying
 ahead  was  “the creation of a European spirit...
 the formation of the United States of Europe,  or
 rather the Federation of the World.” On this side
 of the Iron Curtain and in the U.S.A. nations are
 being   invited   to   give   up  their  national
 sovereignty to enter a Federation in which  those
 who  control  World-Masonry would certainly yield
 enormous power and in which the Authentic Teacher
 of  the  Moral Law would not be listened to.11 On
 the far side of the  Iron  Curtain,  we  see  the
 continuation of what was stated by Mr. Oudendyke,
 the  Dutch  Minister  at  St.   Petersburg,   and
 published  in  the  British White Paper of April,
 1919. “Unless Bolshevism is  nipped  in  the  bud
 immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or
 another all over Europe and the whole  world,  as
 it  is  organised  and worked by Jews who have no
 nationality and whose one object  is  to  destroy
 for   their   own  ends  the  existing  order  of
 things.”12 In G. K.’s Weekly, February  4,  1937,
 Mr. Hilaire Belloc wrote: “As for anyone who does
 not   know   that   the   present   revolutionary
 Bolshevist  movement  in  Russia is Jewish, I can
 only say that he must be a man who is taken in by
 the suppressions of our deplorable Press.” Anyone
 who carefully studies the rulers of Russia and of
 the  satellite  States  Poland  and  Hungary  for
 example, at the present day, will have  the  same
 conclusion forced upon him.13
 The   opposition   of   all   the   branches   of
 Freemasonry, French, Italian, Anglo-Saxon,  etc.,
 to   the   Catholic   Church   is  essential  and
 ineradicable,  for  it  is  the   opposition   of
 naturalism   to  the  Supernatural  Life  of  the
 Mystical Body of Christ and to  the  organisation
 of  society based on the infinite dignity of that
 Life. In other words, it  is  the  opposition  of
 Anti-Christ  to Christ. It will be well to stress
 this great truth, because of the  statements  one
 sometimes   hears   that   English  and  American
 Freemasonry is quite different  from  Continental
 Freemasonry.  In  the  Encyclical Letter, Humanum
 Genus, Pope Leo XIII condemns the  Naturalism  of
 Freemasonry  and  not  only  makes no distinction
 between the different  branches  of  Freemasonry,
 but  teaches  that  no  such distinction is to be
 made. He alludes to the controversy about God, or
 rather  about  the  ancient landmark of the Great
 Architect of the  Universe,  between  Anglo-Saxon
 Freemasonry and the French Grand Orient, but says
 that the fact that  there  has  recently  been  a
 controversy about such a fundamental truth of the
 natural order as the existence of  God  is  clear
 proof  of  the inevitably corrupting influence of
 Masonic Naturalism or  Anti-Supernaturalism.  The
 Pope   does  not  exempt  from  condemnation  the
 sections of Freemasonry that retain  the  ancient
 landmark.  No, the condemnation of Freemasonry in
 the  Encyclical   is   universal,   without   any
 attenuation   in   favour   of   what  is  called
 Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry.14 The text of  Pope  Leo
 XIII with regard to God runs as follows:
 “Although  as  a rule they (the Freemasons) admit
 the existence  of  God,  they  themselves  openly
 confess  that  they  do  not all firmly assent to
 this  truth   and   hold   it   with   unwavering
 conviction.  For  they do not attempt to hide the
 fact that this  question  of  God  is  the  chief
 source and cause of discord amongst them: nay, it
 is well known  that  recently  it  has  been  the
 subject of a serious disagreement in their ranks.
 As a matter of fact, however,  they  allow  their
 members  the  greatest  licence  on the point, so
 that they are at liberty to hold that God  exists
 or  that  God  does  not  exist,  and  those  who
 obstinately affirm  that  there  is  no  God  are
 admitted  just  as  readily  as  those who, while
 asserting that there is a God, nevertheless  have
 wrong  ideas about Him, like the pantheists. This
 is purely and simply the suppression of the truth
 about   God   while   holding  on  to  an  absurd
 caricature  of  the  Divine  Nature.”15   It   is
 regrettable that the Encyclical on Freemasonry is
 omitted from the collection  of  the  Letters  of
 Pope  Leo XIII, published by the Bruce Publishing
 Company, Milwaukee,  and  that  the  Rev.  Editor
 seems  to  write,  in  the  note on p. 272, as if
 there  were  an  essential   difference   between
 Freemasonry  in  English-speaking  countries  and
 elsewhere. At least, his  words  may  leave  some
 readers  under that impression. Naturalism is the
 fundamental error of Masonry and is common to all
 section  of  the Craft. Corruption of the idea of
 God has inevitably followed on the  rejection  of
 the one way instituted for return to God, namely,
 membership of the Mystical Body  of  Christ.  The
 French  Grand Orient has betrayed the presence of
 this corruption and degradation  with  regard  to
 God  more  openly  than  Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry.
 That is the whole significance of the controversy
 about  the deletion by the French Grand Orient of
 the  expression,  The  Great  Architect  of   the
 The  retention  by  the  Grand  Lodge of England,
 then,  of  the  article  relating  to  the  Great
 Architect  of  the Universe does not signify that
 English Masonry is Christian, for English Masonry
 does  not  accept  the  supremacy of the Mystical
 Body of Christ. On the contrary, English  Masonry
 is  anti-supernatural and anti-Christian like the
 other sections of the Masonic Brotherhood, for it
 puts  Mahomet  and  Buddha  on  the same level as
 Christ, thus denying Christ’s  role  as  the  one
 Mediator.16  Neither  does this article mean that
 English   Masonry   professes   belief    in    a
 transcendent  God  as  we  know  Him,  for  it is
 compatible with acceptance of pantheism, that is,
 with  the  identification  of God with man.17 The
 retention of the vague term, “Great Architect  of
 the  Universe”,  enables  English  Freemasonry to
 pose as religious, while continuing its  work  of
 sapping  the belief of Englishmen in the Divinity
 of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in  the  reality  of
 that Supernatural Life of Grace coming to us from
 Him, by which we are true men as we ought to  be.
 Ample proofs of the relations between Anglo-Saxon
 Freemasonry and Latin (Grand Orient)  Freemasonry
 are  to  be  found in La Dictature des Puissances
 occultes, by Count de Poncins18. He  points  out,
 for example, that “if we open the English Masonic
 Calendar for 1930, we find the  Grand  Lodge  has
 official relations with Portugal, Spain, with the
 remnant of Italian Freemasonry,  and  with  Latin
 America.”  In addition to the evidence adduced by
 Count de Poncins, we know that the English  Grand
 Lodge maintains friendly relations with the Swiss
 Grand Lodge, “Alpina”, which recognises not  only
 the  Grand  Lodge of France but the Grand Orients
 of France,  Spain  and  Greece.19  Thus  “between
 Anglo-Saxon  Freemasonry  and  Latin  Freemasonry
 there are indirect but effective relations  which
 are far closer than is admitted.”20
 When  once  the disorder of Masonic Naturalism or
 anti-Supernaturalism is grasped,  we  can  easily
 understand  its  varying  modes of procedure with
 regard to governments.  “With  tongue  and  pen”,
 declares the Freemason Pike (The Inner Sanctuary,
 IV,  547),  “with  all  our   open   and   secret
 influences,  with the purse and, if need be, with
 the sword, we will advance  the  cause  of  human
 progress and labour to enfranchise human thought,
 to give freedom to the  human  conscience  (above
 all  from  Papal usurpations) and equal rights to
 the  people   everywhere.”   The   formation   in
 “tolerance”  given  in the Lodges aims not merely
 at  that  negative  mental   state   which   puts
 religious  truth  and  error  on  the same level,
 treating them both with indifference; it aims  at
 the  production  of  a positive hatred of what it
 calls the “intolerance” of the  Catholic  Church,
 namely  the  Catholic  Church’s insistence on the
 Divine Plan for order. The formation  in  Masonic
 “tolerance”,  then,  is  really  a  formation  in
 hatred  of  the  firmness  and  strength  of  the
 Catholic Church, in standing for the Supernatural
 Life and order of the world. This is the ultimate
 reason  why  Anglo-Saxon  Masonry,  ostensibly so
 conservative, has constantly  favoured  movements
 towards  the  Left,  opposed to the true order of
 the world.
 The  effect   of   the   ambiguous   naturalistic
 formation  of  Masonry  in  regard  to the State,
 accompanied  as  it  is   by   denunciations   of
 “tyranny”  and “usurpation”, corresponding to the
 denunciations of “superstition” and “intolerance”
 in regard to religion, will be to favour the same
 tendency to the Left. States will be assailed  as
 “tyrannies”  in proportion to the extent in which
 they accept Our Lord’s Programme  for  order.  In
 Catholic  countries  violent  revolution  will be
 always aimed at  in  order  to  get  rid  of  the
 existing  social  structure in which the Kingship
 of  Christ  is  respected.  As,  owing  to  their
 rejection  of Our Lord’s Programme for order, the
 advent of Naturalism in Protestant  countries  is
 only  a question of time, the terms “tyranny” and
 “despotism” may not be applied to them by Masonry
 as  freely  as  they  were  to  the realms of the
 Bourbons and the Hapsburgs.  But  the  Protestant
 countries   will   not   be  spared,  for  behind
 Freemasonry is  the  more  cohesive  naturalistic
 Force of the Jewish nation with its Messianic aim
 of domination over all nations. Any  vestiges  of
 the rule of the True Supernatural Messiah must be
 swept away. A highly-placed personage, whose name
 he  does  not  reveal,  said to the distinguished
 historian, Cardinal Pitra, at  Vienna,  in  1889:
 “The  Catholic  nations  must  be  crushed by the
 Protestant nations. When  this  result  has  been
 attained,  a  breath  will be sufficient to bring
 about  the   disappearance   of   Protestantism.”
 Freemasons  in  England and the U.S.A. will yield
 to pressure from leaders of  the  Jewish  nation,
 even when the interests of England and the U.S.A.
 obviously suffer. The Brooklyn  Tablet,  May  14,
 1949, quoted the frank statements of the American
 Senate of Senator  Owen  Brewster,  of  Maine,  a
 non-Catholic.  Speaking  of  the attitude towards
 Spain, the Senator said: “Spain is not recognised
 because Spain is a Catholic country... The subtle
 word is constantly passed that the alternative to
 Communism  is  Catholicism.  We  know the word is
 constantly  uttered  in  the  lobbies,   although
 Senators  do  not  care  to  bring  it out on the
 There is not space to treat of the  Masonic  plan
 that  is  being  pursued  in  Ireland. Six Ulster
 counties have been detached from the rest of  the
 country   and   erected   into  a  State  with  a
 government  in   which   Masonic   influence   is
 predominant (the Orange Society, it must be borne
 in   mind,   is   a   sub-masonry   trained   for
 anti-Catholic  action).21  All  the  counties  of
 Ulster were not included in the  State  lest  the
 Catholics  should  have a majority in Parliament.
 The Catholic Irish justly resent the partition of
 their  country.  Pressure will be brought to bear
 upon  them   to   placate   the   Freemasons   by
 compromising  still  further  to the Programme of
 Christ the King  and  abandoning  the  unity  and
 indissolubility  of  marriage.22  Those  who  are
 alert know that Senator H. Lehman’s  interest  in
 undoing  the  partition of Ireland is ominous. He
 is described in Commonsense of November 15, 1949,
 as  “a banker-Zionist long friendly to Moscow.”23
 If Mgr. Dillon were alive today he would tell the
 Catholic Irish “to remember all their obligations
 to Our Divine Lord  Jesus  Christ  who  sustained
 their  fathers through centuries of trial”,24 and
 to  placate  Him   first,   not   the   Zionists,
 Communists  and the Freemasons. On account of the
 confusion of  mind  prevalent  amongst  Catholics
 concerning  the  question of Anti-Semitism, a few
 words must be said  about  it  before  concluding
 this Preface.
 In the excellent review of my books, The Kingship
 of  Christ  and   Organised   Naturalism,   which
 appeared  in  the  Jesuit  magazine,  La  Civilta
 Cattolica (Rome), in March,  1947,  the  reviewer
 laid  special  stress  on the distinction which I
 have been making in all my  books.  He  wrote  as
 follows: “The author wants a clear distinction to
 be made between  hatred  of  the  Jewish  nation,
 which  is Anti-Semitism, and opposition to Jewish
 and Masonic Naturalism. This  opposition  on  the
 part  of  Catholics  must  be  mainly positive by
 acknowledging,   not   only   individually    but
 socially, the Rights of the Supernatural Kingship
 of  Christ  and  His  Church,  and  by   striving
 politically  to  get these Rights acknowledged by
 States and in public life. For this indispensable
 undertaking...  the active and effective union of
 Catholics... is absolutely necessary.” Space does
 not   allow  of  lengthy  quotations  from  Papal
 documents to show that,  on  the  one  hand,  the
 Sovereign  Pontiffs  insist  that  Catholics must
 stand unflinchingly for the  Integral  Rights  of
 Christ  the  King,  as  contained  in  the  Papal
 Encyclicals, while, on the  other  hand,  keeping
 their  minds  and  hearts free from hatred of Our
 Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On  the
 one  hand,  they  must  battle  for the Rights of
 Christ the King and the Supernatural Organisation
 of  Society, as laid down in the Encyclical, Quas
 Primas,  unequivocally   proclaiming   that   the
 rejection  of  Our  Lord  Jesus  Christ, the True
 Messiah, by His own nation,  and  the  unyielding
 opposition   of   that   nation  to  Him,  are  a
 fundamental source of disorder  and  conflict  in
 the  world.  On the other hand, as members of Our
 Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither  hate
 the  members  of the nation in which, through our
 Blessed Mother, the Lily of  Israel,  the  Second
 Person  of  the  Blessed  Trinity  assumed  human
 nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights  as
 persons.  The  supernatural elevation of mind and
 heart and  the  unshrinking  fortitude  that  are
 required from members of Christ in our day can be
 maintained only with the aid of Him who wept over
 Jerusalem’s   rejection   of   order.   It   will
 inevitably mean suffering for  Christ’s  faithful
 members  as  the  power  of the anti-supernatural
 Forces in the world increases. Even in the  midst
 of  their  suffering,  however,  Christ’s members
 must bear in mind that there will be  a  glorious
 triumph  for  Christ  the  King when, as St. Paul
 tells us  in  his  Epistle  to  the  Romans  (XI,
 11-33),  there  will  be  a sincere return on the
 part of the Jewish nation to the Mystical Body of
 the True Messiah.25
 Two  reasons can be assigned to the fact that Our
 Lord’s faithful members will often be betrayed by
 those  who  should  be  on the side of Christ the
 King. Firstly, many  Catholic  writers  speak  of
 Papal   condemnations  of  Anti-Semitism  without
 explaining the meaning of  the  term,  and  never
 even  allude to the documents which insist on the
 Rights of Our Divine Lord, Head of  the  Mystical
 Body,  Priest  and  King.  Thus,  very  many  are
 completely ignorant of the duty incumbent on  all
 Catholics  of  standing positively for Our Lord’s
 Reign  in  society  in   opposition   to   Jewish
 Naturalism.   The   result  is  that  numbers  of
 Catholics are so ignorant  of  Catholic  doctrine
 that  they  hurl  the accusation of Anti-Semitism
 against those who are battling for the Rights  of
 Christ  the  King,  thus  effectively  aiding the
 enemies  of  Our  Divine  Lord.  Secondly,   many
 Catholic  writers  copy unquestioningly what they
 read in  the  naturalistic  or  and  Supernatural
 Press    and    do    not   distinguish   between
 Anti-Semitism in the correct Catholic  sense,  as
 explained above, and “Anti-Semitism”, as the Jews
 understand it. For the Jews,  “Anti-Semitism”  is
 anything   that   is   in   opposition   to   the
 naturalistic Messianic domination of their nation
 over all the others. Quite logically, the leaders
 of the Jewish nation hold that to stand  for  the
 Rights    of   Christ   the   King   is   to   be
 “Anti-Semitic.”26 The term “Anti-Semitism”,  with
 all  its  smear  connections  in the minds of the
 unthinking, is being extended to include any form
 of opposition to the Jewish nation’s naturalistic
 aims and any exposure of the methods  they  adopt
 to  achieve  these  aims.  “In our time more than
 ever before”, said the  saintly  Pius  X  at  the
 Beatification  of  Joan  of  Arc (Dec. 13, 1908),
 “the greatest asset of the evil-disposed  is  the
 cowardice  and  weakness of good men, and all the
 vigour of Satan’s reign is due to  the  easygoing
 weakness  of  Catholics.  Oh  if  I might ask the
 Divine Redeemer, as the Prophet  Zachary  did  in
 spirit: What are those wounds in the midst of Thy
 hands? the answer would  not  be  doubtful.  With
 these  I  was  wounded  in the house of them that
 loved me. I was wounded by my  friends,  who  did
 nothing to defend me, and who, on every occasion,
 made   themselves   the   accomplices    of    my
 adversaries. And this reproach can be levelled at
 the weak and timid Catholics of all countries.”
 DENIS FAHEY, C.S.Sp. Feast of the Sacred Heart of
 Jesus. June 16, 1950.

Freemasonry must die, or liberty must die." -- Charles G. Finney


"Those who sin are slaves, and slaves have no rights." -- Jesus Christ, John 8:34

"Qabalah is the heart of the Western Hermetic tradition; it is the foundation upon which the art of Western magic rests." -- Sandra and Chic Cicero, the authors of "The Essencial Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic", page 96. Llewlellyn Publications "For by thy sorceries were all nations decieved." Rev. 18:23
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-- Thomas Penn

Prepared & presented by the N.O.S., Snowmass, Colorado, USA
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"Join me in battle, little children, against the black beast, Masonry..." Mother Mary [source: Father Gobbi, Evolution & Freemasonry]
"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye make to worship them; and I will carry you away beyond Babylon."
Acts 7:43 KJV
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.." (II Corinthians 6:18 KJV)


Joan of Arc on the Bohemians

Seal of Solomon and Freemasonry graphical text link to homesite.